Posts tagged ‘nutrition’

How to Take Charge of Your Health and Your Life

I originally entitled this article “The 5 Secrets to Taking Charge of Your Health and Your Life.” The marketers told me to do it. But you know what? These aren’t secrets. But they might as well be secrets, because TOO FEW OF YOU (probably including you, reading this article) ARE TRULY HEALTHY!

Headaches, low energy, moodiness, gassiness, weight gain around your middle, achy joints… For most people, these are not the “inevitable” side effects of life and aging as you may presume. You can take simple steps to help alleviate these symptoms and others.

So, what are these 5 steps to getting truly healthy? Here they are:

  1. Fabulous food. Refuse to settle for fake food, the very same food that has become a staple in our Standard American Diet (otherwise known as “SAD”). Lay off the Caffeine, the Refined foods, Artificial additives / colorings / flavors and alcohol, and Pesticide / hormone / gas-laden and genetically modified foods. In other words, no more C.R.A.P. The real stuff is unbeatable – in flavor, in nourishment for your body and for your soul’s satiation, and in price as well. Food? Seems pretty straight forward, right? But true health demands that you address the other aspects of your life that can either feed or deplete you…
  2. Real relationships. You Tweet and Facebook all day long, but where’s the real-life love? Family, friends, soul-mates, your community. Get out there, get involved, get real. Also let toxic relationships go and die a natural death. Really, you’re doing yourself – and the other person – a favor.
  3. Mojo & movement. Rev it up. Sweat it out. Our bodies want… crave… live to move and groooove. Let it have some fun. This does not mean you have to become a gym bunny (boringgg). Carry your groceries home. Take a hike. Go jump in a lake. Remember how joyous and alive you can feel when you move. Sorry, I have to say it:  just do it. Even if it’s just standing 15 minutes a day, which is the best I could during my health crisis.
  4. Wonder-ful Work. Work shouldn’t be a four-letter word. If it is, and has to be in the shorter term, find a creative outlet that reminds you who you are and what it means to express yourself fully in this world. Ultimately, however, seek out that less-traveled path and find your true passion. I promise you – there’s nothing quite like it.
  5. Know Your Self, HealThy Self ™. Get to know yourself again. Stop thinking for a minute and let your true, subtle Self emerge from all that chatter in your head. Reconnect your head to your body. You know your body best. It’s always sending you signals. Learn to listen to them. Heed them, before it has got to scream so loud that it’s “too late.”

If any one of these areas is broken, it can severely impact your health to the point where it won’t matter how much broccoli you eat.

So what’s it going to take?

Do you have to have a major, sneak-up-on-you-and-whack-you-in-the-face type of wake up call at the ripe old age of 32, like I did, to pay attention to your life, and your health, at this level? Or are you more in tune with your reality than that?

Ask yourself…

“Do I want to live my life stuck in this so-so, mediocre state (or worse) like I’m doing now, or do I want to be high on life pretty much all the time?”

It’s your choice. What’s it going to be?


© 2009 Delicious Health, Inc.

You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

“Simla Somturk Wickless is an integrative health, nutrition, and lifestyle coach whose mission is to transform busy bodies into healthy, balanced beings (TM). To learn how to increase your energy, tame your stress, and take back control of your health, register for her free monthly eZine at”

July 1, 2009 at 6:00 AM Leave a comment

You’re Invited! New (FREE) Workshop: Eat Your Stress Away – the Right Way! Monday, May 4 in Downtown San Francisco

Even better, the full title is:

Eat Your Stress Away – The Right Way!
Nutrition & Lifestyle Secrets to Reduce Stress, Have More Energy (and Lose Weight, Too!)

Did I mention it’s FREE?

It’s on Monday, May 4th from 5:30-7pm at the YMCA Embarcadero (beautiful location) on 169 Steuart St (b/w Mission & Howard Streets) in downtown San Francisco.


This is a topic near and dear to me. Chronic stress paved the way for my severe autoimmune conditions to set in suddenly (well, it had been building up for years, but I didn’t know that at the time), and managing that stress through my nutrition and lifestyle choices has helped me get my health and life back.

One of my missions in life is to help YOU avoid a similar fate.

Now, the onset of an autoimmune condition may not be how your body ends up dealing with chronic stress, but did you know that…


And IT’S SO EASY TO REVERSE!!!!! All it takes is ONE DECISION, to say, “Ok, I’m going to take control of my health and not be at the mercy of my environment. I am going to dictate how well I live, and not just resign myself to thinking it’s about “diseases of aging” or “inevitable weight gain” or “I can’t help but be tired – I’m so busy.”

It’s up to YOU to live and feel great, and not succumb to these myths.

Does that seem far-fetched? Consider this:  recent research shows that our genes only account for 3% in determining which health conditions we will manifest based on our genetic heritage. The other 97% is about what you eat and how you live.

You may THINK you’re eating healthy, but do you know for sure?
Are you stuck in food fads? Do you still believe:

  • Low fat is the way to go?
  • A calorie is a calorie is a calorie?
  • 100 calorie snack packs are ok – even good choices, no harm done?

If yes, then you’re in for a rude awakening, if not now, then probably 2-5 years from now, as your body, mood, and emotions continue to get worse.

Either way, chances are you’re not eating the right foods for YOU.
Every Body is different, everybody needs to address their body’s needs. This is called bio-individuality. For example, some people need 100mg of Vitamin C a day, some need 3000mg. Some people absolutely thrive on a raw diet, some people can’t stop shivering and feel crappy. Some people crave salt, some crave sugar. Which one are you?

So, if you are:

  • S.O.S – Stressed Out Sick
  • Getting there… you have vague symptoms, IBS, headaches, body aches, you’re tired all the time, etc…
  • A busy professional or entrepreneur who is too busy to eat well, or eat anything, or take any care of yourself

Then you’re going to benefit greatly from this live interactive workshop.

I invite you to join me on:

Date:  Monday, May 4th

Time:  5:30-7pm

Location:  YMCA Embarcadero @ 169 Steuart St
(between Mission & Howard), Downtown San Francisco, CA

But, you must REGISTER TO RSVP for this FREE event as spots are limited.


The YMCA is graciously allowing me to invite you – my guests – in addition to their members.

Bonus:  I was able to secure a beautiful historic room with views of the Bay Bridge!

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • The #1 Secret you have to know about stress to control it!
  • How stress really affects your body, mind, and emotions.
  • The Top 5 stress-busting foods.
  • Your personal Stress Resilience Factor score.
  • The 3 Key Lifestyle Changes you need to prioritize.
  • How you can eat deliciously and still melt away the pounds

Are there foods you can eat on purpose to combat the effects of stress? Absolutely. Can you tweak your lifestyle, making small changes to see natural improvements in your ability to sleep, think, focus, be healthier, and have sustainable energy. Definitely.

Curious? Well, you have to be there to find out more.


I hope you can join me!

April 18, 2009 at 11:26 AM Leave a comment

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