Posts tagged ‘Sugar blues’

Helloooo, Sugar!

Why do you butter me up, buttercup, just to let me down?


Ah sugar, ah honey honey
[You are my candy…]
And you got me wanting you


Pour some sugar on me…

All popular lyrics, all probably written by sugar addicts. It’s not hard to imagine: lovesick songwriter, writing the lyrics as she snarfs down a pint of icecream or as he drowns his sorrows with a wine spritzer.

Ok, just having some fun there but – really – you know those sugar cravings? The ones that seem to take over beyond any reason, or hang around on the periphery of your consciousness until you take those fateful steps towards your hidden stash, vending machine, or corner Starbucks? Sugar cravings love to come alive around 3-4pm, right after dinner, or (and?) when you get home from another stressful day at work. Or when you’re bored. Or sad.

It’s not your fault. We’re genetically programmed to crave sugar. Way back when, that probably translated into us raiding bee hives. These days we can bypass the stings and just make do with a chocolate chip cookie… or three.

Sugar cravings are the result of a constellation of factors and they’re very unique to you. No two people, no two bodies are alike. Your life habits, food choices and patterns, emotions, brain chemistry, blood chemistry, stressors, time of day, and nutritional deficiencies all feed into it. Pun intended.

While we tend to associate “sugar cravings” with baked goods, chocolate, and candy, I include artificial sweeteners, alcohol, and pasta, bagels, most cereals, and other refined-carb-heavy foods in there as well. Sugar can wreak havoc on your body, contributing to or directly causing stress, anxiety or depression, energy slumps, yeast infections, autoimmune symptoms, migraines, diabetes, IBS, and a weakened immune system. Sugar feeds cancer and has even been connected to alcoholism. My personal pet peeve regarding sugar is that it saps me of my fabulous natural high when I do choose to have some. Not so sweet.

The good news is that you can rid yourself of sugar cravings in as little as a week. You can learn to deconstruct your cravings, learn about your body’s signals and what they’re telling you, and harness that deep power to your advantage so that you can have uplifting, steady energy throughout the day. No more guilt trips or dreading the scale. No more jittery nerves. No more crashes and burns. No more distracting cravings.

Wouldn’t it be great to no longer be a slave to sugar but just enjoy it when you feel like it, without g-u-i-l-t? The process is fascinating, fun, extremely effective, and deceivingly simple.

If you want to get there, join me on September 17th for my live webinar, Sugar Blues! Click here for details and to sign up. I may not give this webinar again, so join me while you can! It may just change your life.

And if you don’t, don’t say I didn’t try to help you, sugar.

September 10, 2009 at 4:55 PM Leave a comment

SUGAR BLUES! Live Webinar Sept 17, 2009

It’s baaaa-aaack!

In Spring 2009, I hosted a Sugar Blues class and some of you couldn’t make it, and some of you just found out about it and want it now! And there’s a good chance it may be the LAST TIME I do this LIVE.


This time, I’m presenting it as a WEBINAR so you can again watch and listen no matter where you are!

* * *

Sugar Blues!

Understand and Reduce Your Cravings Once and For All
& Learn How to Have Sugar as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Sugar. Tantalizing. Trouble… Or is it?

Join Simla Somturk Wickless, Certified Health Counselor and Nutrition Educator, and founder of Delicious Health, Inc., in this LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR to learn:

  • Shocking facts about sugar and what it does to your body and mind.
  • How you can deconstruct and understand your sugar cravings like never before.
  • The Top 10 steps for reducing sugar cravings for good!
  • How to enjoy sugar as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Do you crave sugar? You’re not alone! Sugar is highly addictive and can wreak havoc on your body in ways you may have never imagined. Yet, there is no warning label! Sugar is a growing part of the American diet, has many different names, and hides in many foods. Join us for the Sugar Blues webinar and learn about the impacts of sugar, the fascinating reasons WHY we crave sugar, and lots of practical ideas to overcome your addiction and enjoy sugar as part of a healthy diet.

Curious? Well you have to be there to find out!

Scroll down to SIGN UP and get your special discount.

Here’s what some past participants have said:

It was a pleasure to participate in the Sugar Blues tele-class. I am pleased to learn that there might be ways to address sugar cravings with activities. Along with that, I also realize that it is one step in the path towards eating right and living well. Thank you for helping me get started!
– Anita P., Entrepreneur & High Level Executive

Thank you the Sugar Blues Teleclass today. You had a good overview of sugar, and what I particularly liked was that you gave 10 concrete examples of craving causes and another 10 steps for dealing with those cravings.  I think it’s great that you take a holistic approach to the topic.  Sugar is very much part of the conversation in our house! I think that’s where resources like yours come in – they help in the lifelong journey of good health. Many thanks.
– Maria Nicolacakis, Busy Mom

I am a person that has a passion for a healthy lifestyle and someone who prides themselves on being quite knowledgeable about health and nutrition.  The Sugar Blues class was not about restriction, but rather about revelation into human patterns and tendencies.  It went beyond my expectation by delving into the science behind cravings and providing analysis and action tools for making small yet significant changes to my diet and lifestyle. As a competitive runner, I know that what I learned and will apply will help me regulate my energy for peak performance. I believe everyone has something to learn from Simla’s class that can compliment his/her unique situation. I know I did!  Thank you, Simla!
– Casandra Nied, Marathon Runner and Busy Professional

Simla was a very energetic, happy, and knowledgeable instructor. Her presentation was everything I was hoping for when I signed up.
– Andy Wilder, Engineer


Thursday, September 17, 2009 from 5:30 PM PST / 8:30 PM EST

Via Webinar – Call in or watch & listen via the web from anywhere – your office, your couch, …
You’ll get the web link and phone number after you sign up BELOW.

Hosted By
5 Mini

Investment In Your Health – SIGN UP HERE
*An exclusive offer from Delicious Health*

Only $8 with Coupon

Enter coupon code DH5MM


We’ll have fun and you’ll have immediate, easy actions you can take to redefine your relationship with sugar right away!

I hope to “see” you there!

September 9, 2009 at 1:47 AM 1 comment

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